Hit the New Year's Reset Button!

From #goals to tidying up your kitchen, we’ve got you covered. The first of January always comes with major FSE: Fresh Start Energy. Make the most out of that “new year, new you” vibe with a few small-action items to start the next 365 days off right.

Write down your goals (and dreams) on paper.
Whether you’re hoping to crush your first 5K, pay down some debt, or make a bucket-list trip happen this year, put it into motion by writing that New Year's resolution down.

Set a recurring calendar invite for exercise.
If your big resolution is fitness-related — or you’re just interested in getting more steps in — block out a designated time on your calendar to make it happen. Even better, invite a friend to join you, as having an exercise buddy will help you stay motivated.

Tidy up your kitchen.
If you hosted a lot this past holiday season, odds are your kitchen space is a little chaotic. Dedicate some time to cleaning out your fridge of expired goods, organizing your drawers and restocking the pantry. Having a clean workspace will not only help you avoid food waste, but motivate you to cook more yourself.

Book your doctor’s appointments for the year.
Annual physical exams and wellness checks are critical for staying on top of your health. Book everything out early, from your PCP to teeth cleanings, so you don’t miss important appointments.

Clean out your closet…
We're all guilty of hanging onto tattered sweatshirts from college with more holes than fabric. But hang on no more! Time to bid a fond farewell to ill-fitting duds, or stuff you haven’t worn in at least a year. Think of it as a way to make space for new things to come.

…And your inbox.

Work smarter, not harder. Instead of striving for inbox zero, spend some time making colored labels and folders to categorize your work email. Add filters to automatically move marketing newsletters out of your inbox, and you’ll be on top of work emails in no time.

Take time to unwind.
The holidays are stressful, which is why it’s so important to give yourself some mental health downtime at the beginning of the year. Whether it’s taking a sick day, re-downloading that meditation app you tried last year, or relaxing with a book, make sure to spend some time recharging.